Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Straight Story

Ezra 1: 1-4

We live in an age of cynicism and doubt. Interesting, seeing as how it is the 'information age' and all that. The deal seems to be, that the more the secular mind knows, the less it believes. Worse than this are the current fads sweeping the church which glory in doubt and cynical unbelief. The purveyors of these new movements call it, 'glorying in the mystery', or some such nonsense. Not that there isn't mystery. Of course there is. But mystery in the Scriptures is different than just lazy, foggy, and jaded thinking. Mystery is where humanity leaves off and divinity steps in. The mystery is that God's ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts. The mystery is that there are 'secret things' belonging to God. But there are 'revealed things' as well. A lot of them. A whole book full. A universe full, in fact. The Scriptures tell us that Jesus and his gospel is the 'mystery revealed'. Because God has revealed himself in this way, we able to speak truthfully, and honestly. We are able to give people the straight story.

Ezra gives us the straight story. And what makes this straightforward narrative so striking is the most incredible and unbelievable nature of what he says:
  1. His narrative is an account of fulfilled prophecy.
  2. Jeremiah spoke the word of the Lord.
  3. Cyrus (the most powerful leader in the world) is an instrument of the Lord.
  4. Aftern 70 years of devastation, exile, apostasy, sin, compromise, syncretism, and separation, God is fulfilling his covenant promises to His people.
The post/modern mind, whatever that is -perhaps better to say the skeptical, unbelieving mind -should consider a few things:

1. Now, if this prophecy is fulfilled, then God's word is true and must be regarding as truthful (and not just a 'story' with some good principles that we try to glean amidst all the archaic foolishness).
2. If Jeremiah spoke 'the word of the Lord', then we discover that God does indeed speak authoritatively and truthfully, through the organic inspiration of the writers of Scripture.
3. Cyrus was 'stirred up' in his spirit by God. God is sovereign over the universe and over the destinies of men, and over the kings of the world (1:2). God is no pawn to our individual wills, it seems to be rather the opposite here in the prologue to Ezra's book (see also 1:5).
4. God has a redemptive plan, driven by a deep and abiding covenant love, all of history moves along its lines and toward its consummation.

These striking statements by Ezra, and their attending implications, are put forth simply and without much fanfare. This is primarily because Ezra and God's people are full of faith. While they no doubt are filled with joy and awe at God's work- they are not surprised. This is what God said he would do! This is who God is! No doubt, as we read on, the naysayers will come. Doubters will cast aspersions. The enemies of God and of truth will fight his work and the work of his people. But, these things will not be said of God's faithful, covenant keeping people. Those who are full of faith will continue in trust of their prophecy fulfilling, truth revealing, sovereign and faithful Master. And they will keep on with a sword in one hand and the trowel in the other (Neh.4:17-18).

So, let's be filled with the faith and hope of Ezra in a day of unbelief and skepticism.
Let's be like Ezra- unafraid and unshaken by the mysteries about us, but certain in the straight story of the good news of Jesus Christ. Through this good news we are able to join the exiles - "remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ" (Eph. 2:11-13). By the sovereign grace of God, our hearts have been stirred up to put our faith and trust in God. And we proclaim the straightforward truth of His word, in all of its incredible glory. The unbelief of our age does not curb our zeal, but rather should provoke and promote a passion to share the truth, the straight story of God's glorious gospel.



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